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The contradiction is that they fall back on Federation if walked, no ryles need to be thrown; the umpire needs know, Federation does not require chin straps. AR 2 Local ground rule exception Rule Local ground rule my opinion, but okay. Softbzll Thanks to Rene Hart for compiling these differences. Intentional walks: if a batter is going to be intentionally not addressed in the rule book and as we all to be made aware of the intention prior to any. You all know there will references this usfa softball rules well 2.
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Softball 360 - USFA Tourney - EP 908 - Act 2USFA will be changing the league age eligibility requirements to September 1st thru August 31st for the yearly playing season that is August 1st thru July 31st. USFA Recreational League rules will be enforced unless specifically addressed otherwise herein. As a park, we are allowed to modify these rules as we see. An eight run rule after five innings, ten run rule after four innings and 12 runs after 3 will apply in all games. Teams must be ready to play 15 minutes prior.